Social Media Intro: Read this new post to learn about a significant announcement related to the Affordable Care Act, along with what this recent discussion has unveiled about brokers being a critical part of ACA success.


Health Insurance Brokers Are Essential for Long-Term Affordable Care Act Success


Although it’s been more than six years since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, this statute continues to receive quite a bit of media attention. The standard media cycle swings between stories about how the ACA is working for Americans, followed by stories that point out where the statute is falling short.


Recently, a different type of story made headlines when a leading health insurance carrier announced that they are planning to withdraw from all ACA exchanges. In response, a spokesman for the exchange stated that the data they have about the number of issuers per state growing every year gives them full confidence that the Marketplace will continue to expand in the coming years.


The news about one major health insurance carrier leaving the Affordable Care Act exchanges behind brought comments and pledges from other carriers about their intentions to remain in the Marketplace. Based on all the information that came out of these discussions, one very interesting point is the essential role brokers will continue to play as the ACA moves forward.


The Importance of Brokers for the Affordable Care Act


In many people’s opinion, the ACA has made the process of sorting through the details of coverage more challenging than ever. Getting personalized help with applying for coverage and subsidies is where quality brokers or independent health insurance agents come into the picture. Data has shown that states which emphasize the importance of working with a healthcare professional have some of the highest enrollment rates.


Another area where brokers can help is ensuring individuals who purchase coverage know how to properly use it. Research has shown this is a widespread issue, and one that brokers, agents, and healthcare professionals can play a direct role in solving. Part of the reason this problem exists is the language used in the Marketplace can be very confusing.


By working with a top agency like J. Keller Insurance Group, individuals can gain an advocate who can translate those obtuse terms into language that actually makes sense. This helps to ensure that people not only get enrolled with a plan that fits their individual and family lifestyle, but are able to use it in a way that meets their needs and makes them want to continue using their plan.


The new reality of health care in the United States has sparked a demand among consumers for relationships with trusted health insurance brokers, agencies, and professionals. Creating these relationships gives individuals the ability to have trusted representative who will continue to provide guidance for navigating issues related to insurance year after year.


If you’re in need of a health insurance plan that fits your specific needs, J. Keller Insurance Group can help. As one of the top individual health insurance agencies in Nebraska, we encourage you to learn more about what we do and how we can help you.


J. Keller Insurance Group, 2431 S 120th Street, Omaha, NE, 68144  •  402-502-9393